Nouveauté au NAMM 2008, SWR présentait son nouveau préampli M². Marcus Miller passe donc d'EBS pour son nouveau préampli signature, un ampli de puissance power 750, un ampli sm 900 et des enceintes golliath 4x10 8ohms.
Son matos
présentation part 1
présentation part 2
réglages du préamp M²:
Mute On/Off Switch,
Bass Intensifier™: On/Off Switch, Level, Cutoff,
Compression: On/Off Switch, Threshold, Ratio, Comp Position, Attack, Release, Meter,
Boost: Level, Comp Blend, Level/Comp Blend On/Off Switch
Pad On/Off Switch,
Preamp Clip LED,
Aural Enhancer™,
EQ: Bass, Semi-Parametric EQ with (Low, Mid, High), Treble,
EFX Blend,
Power Switch,
Back Panel:
XLR and 1/4" Preamp Out with Ground Lift Switch,
Tube DI with XLR and 1/4" Out with Ground Lift Switch, Level, 00 to 1800 Phase Switch and 3-Position Direct (Pre)/Compressor Output/Line (Post) Switch,
Effects Send and Return Jacks,
Footswitch Jack,
Tuner Out Jack,
Aux Input Jack (Instrument)