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Branchement tête GK en bi-amp

30/03/2011 14:19:33

Je vais me procurer une tête GALLIEN KRUEGER 1001RB-II le mois prochain avec 2 baffles GK Neo (2*12 + 4*10@8ohms).

Pour profiter du bi-amp Woofer/Tweeter via câble Speakon, dois-je brancher 1 câble Speakon par HP (Sortie Speakon 1 pour le HP 1 et Sortie Speakon 2 pour le HP 2) ? c'est bien compatible pour 2 HP?

Cela me semble à première vu logique mais je demande confirmation, pour ne prendre aucun risque avec le nouveau matos  
30/03/2011 14:26:49
Il te faut 1 cable skeakon/HP mais des speakon 4 poles
31/03/2011 00:29:51

Et si tu achètes les baffles Neo neufs, en principe le câble speakon 4 pôles est fourni. En tout cas il l'était avec mon NEO 115 III


31/03/2011 16:20:06
une petite précision qui peut s'avérer utile suivant ou tu vas acheter tes cabs:

j'ai acheté le mien chez thomann. avant de faire la commande:

- j'ai fais un mail à thomann pour demander si le cable speakon 4 poles (pour brancher mon 700rbII en bi-amp) était fourni
- le gars m'a répondu "désolé mais non, il faut acheter un cable speakon 4 poles"
- j'ai donc ajouté à ma commande un cable speakon 4 poles.
- tout est arrivé chez moi en moins d'une semaine
- lorsque j'ai déballé, surprise: il y avait le cable speakon Gk dans le carton du cab, donc en plus du cable que j'avais commandé tout spécialement... pour rien.
- j'ai expliqué la bévue à thomann, j'ai pu leur renvoyer le cable inutile sans soucis, et ils ont pris en charge les frais de port en plus du remboursement.

Tout ça pour dire que le gars thomann pensant que le cable n'était pas compris avec, ce n'est peut être pas une constante..
31/03/2011 20:52:11

j'y reviens encore: si tu veux te procurer du neo, ne tarde pas trop. a priori, les prix risquent d'augmenter à vitesse grand V s'il on en croit Mr bergantino..


from Jim Bergantino:

And finally, some concerning news I just received yesterday regarding the pricing on neodymium woofers. Eminence, our woofer supplier (and all speaker manufacturers for that matter) was just hit in the last week with a 106% increase on the cost of neo magnets used in their neo woofers (I have provided some links below for those who would like to read more about the uncertainty in the rare earth markets, especially as it pertains to China, the worlds only current producer of neo magnets). This along with another increase as recent as the beginning of this year has brought the year-to-date increase in neo to 140%! And it's only going up from here. In fact, the market is so unstable at this point that Eminence can only quote prices to their OEM's on a per order basis, and the price quote is only valid for 24 hours! This is a far cry from their yearly price adjustments. In addition, due also to the fact that China is reducing exports of their neo magnets and other rare earth materials by over 60% means longer lead times without any guarantees. How does this effect us and ultimately our dealers and their customers? As of today vs. last week, the cost of our neo woofers have gone up 40%, and that's today's prices. Tomorrow could be higher and next week even higher. No one knows. I have also learned from Eminence that most of their existing neo-based projects, whether their own Genuine Eminence line or their OEM's projects, are either being canceled or put on hold until companies see where this is heading. Many companies have already started the transition back to ceramic. So where do we stand in all this? I'm still trying to process all the data which is difficult in a very dynamic environment. I do know this, that based on the prices I was quoted today, it would be very difficult to justify passing these increases along to our dealers and finally to your customers. I think we're at the tipping point of neo and believe there is a very good chance you will see our industry revert back to ceramic at an alarming rate. My opinion of course, but based on what I have learned in the last day or so and from what I'm hearing from my sources within Eminence, I think it's only a matter of time when where back to pre 2001 technology.

En gros ça veut dire que le prix des aimants NEO farbiqué quasi exclusivement par les chinois est entrain de flamber, et que certaines compagnies ont deja enclenché le mouvement vers le retour aux aimants céramiques...  


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